CSB Investors Group

Privacy and Cookies

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy policy describes how CSB Investors Group and associated companies collect, use and share the personal information you provide to us and which we collect in the course of operating our businesses, websites and mobile applications. We may revise this policy at any time by amending this page. Please keep an eye on this page to take note of any changes.

What personal information do we collect?

  • Personal information is any information in our possession or control that can be used to directly identify an individual or that we can link to an individual.
  • We collect and process the following personal information about you.

Information you give us

  • You give us personal information when you communicate with us through various means as follows:
    When we provide you with services – If you are our client, you will provide us with personal information in connection with our client on-boarding and monitoring processes and the services we provide to you. Similarly, if you are our client's authorised representative, you will provide us with personal information in this regard.
    Where you are a prospective client – If we are exploring the possibility of providing services to you, you may provide us with personal information in connection with our discussions and client on-boarding processes.
    When we do business with you – If you are our appointed representative, a counterparty or a party we otherwise do business with, you will provide us with personal information in connection with our business relationship.
    Subscribing via our website – If you sign up with us to receive further information regarding our services or marketing communications, you will provide us with personal information to allow us to contact you with these.
    Recruitment applications – If you apply for a job with us, you will provide us with personal information in connection with your application.
    Marketing our services – If you attend networking or other marketing events either hosted or attended by us, you may provide us with personal information to allow us to contact you.

Information we collect via technology

We collect technical personal information about you when we correspond with you or interact with you through various means such as our websites and mobile applications. For example, we will automatically collect the following information when you visit our websites and use our mobile applications: technical information, such as the type of browser you use and the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer or mobile device to the Internet (as applicable); and information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), traffic data and other communication data, the resources that you access and information derived from the cookies we place on your mobile device and computer.

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